The 2024 Gulf Coast Veterans Parade will be held on Saturday, November 9th in Biloxi, MS.
Click here for the parade route and the parade flyer.
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Aug 12, 2022
Sponsorships, donations now open at different levels for parade support
Parade organizers have developed a new sponsorship program to give potential sponsors more options to be a part of the Gulf Coast Veterans Parade. “Parade sponsors are vital to our mission to provide honor and support to our heroes”, said Jerry Taranto, Vice President of the organization.
Categories of sponsorship begin at the platinum level and go all the way up to Gold, with amounts reaching $5,000 or more.
“Our community sponsors help us fund the necessary expenses that come with producing the largest Veterans Parade in South Mississippi,” said Taranto.
Gulf Coast Veterans Parade is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to recognize Veterans for their service, connect the community, and instill patriotism in today's youth.
For more information on business sponsorships and individual donations, visit www.msveteransparade.org