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​The 2024 Gulf Coast Veterans Parade will be held on Saturday, November 9th in Biloxi, MS.
Click here for the parade route and the parade flyer.
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Your support is appreciated!
Without the generosity of donors, sponsors and community support, there would be no Gulf Coast Veterans Parade!
Here are three ways you can support:
1. Show up to the parade, bring the family and cheer on our Veterans!
2. Sign up to volunteer by visiting our volunteer page.
3. Provide a monetary donation
or mail a check to:
Gulf Coast Veterans Parade, Inc.
P.O. Box 8064
Biloxi, MS 39535
Our annual parade is known for its safe, family friendly atmosphere with no cost to view or participate in.
The Gulf Coast Veterans Parade Inc., is an all-volunteer, non-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization. Donations may be tax deductible.

Where do donations go?
Cash donations help the Gulf Coast Veterans Parade with administrative costs, special events insurance, safety gear, refreshments and water for parade participants, signage and marketing efforts.

Thank you for the support!
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