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The 2024 Gulf Coast Veterans Parade will be held on Saturday, November 9th in Biloxi, MS.
Click here for the parade route and the parade flyer.
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Frequently Asked Questions
When is the parade?The 24th Annual Gulf Coast Veterans Parade is scheduled for Saturday, November 9, 2024.
What is the parade route?Click here for parade route.
How much does it cost for entry into the parade?Entry is free, as is watching the Parade. We rely on donations and sponsors to produce the parade. Donors can be sponsors at several levels. The Sponsor page has all the sponsor information. If you prefer to make a monetary donation, you can Donate here.
Where can I park?VISITOR PARKING is on a “first-come, first-serve” basis on the side streets around the parade route, so please come early and allow ample time to navigate crowds. To find out the “side streets” where you can park and weave your way towards the parade, please look at the route closure map. It will tell you where the parade is, what streets close at what times and lists the side streets for you to access to find parking and then make your way into the parade route. The route map also shows where speaker towers are located, if you’d like to sit nearby and hear entries announced as they march by.
What time is the parade?It starts at 11 a.m. The exact time may vary depending on the final number of parade entries, but it typically lasts for two hours, and ends around 1:00 p.m. Please allow ample time before and after for parking, and/or walking to the location you’d prefer to view the parade.
Who produces and organizes the parade?Gulf Coast Veterans Parade, Inc. plans and organizes the event every year. Our organization is an all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit, and is hosted by one of the three Mississippi Gulf Coast cities on an annual rotation: Gulfport, Biloxi and D'Iberville. Costs of the parade are supported and paid for by sponsorships, private and in-kind donations, and volunteers. For more information on supporting our efforts, visit our donation, sponorship or volunteer page.
I am handicapped. Where can I park? Is there a handicapped area to watch the parade?There are parking lots in downtown Biloxi along or near the parade route with handicapped parking available. Some viewing areas will be reserved near the review stand across from city hall. If you need assistance, please contact an on‐site parade staff member with a name badge or a police officer.
Regarding COVID-19, is there a risk to my health by attending?"There is always risk when participating in an event like this or being in public. We will take extra precautions noting COVID-19. We encourage people with compromised immune systems, current illness, or serious health issues to consider staying home, as those are the populations that appear to be susceptible to the dangers of the virus. If you are feeling ill or have flu-like symptoms, please do not show up. We will continue to work with local public health officials and municipalities to assess the risks associated with this event. We are paying attention to, and following guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for assessing and mitigating risks associated with outdoor events. There is general agreement that outdoor events, where safe and social distancing is practiced, are in low-risk categories.
How much does it cost for entry into the parade?Entry is free, as is watching the Parade. We are thankful for the community support we receive each year! We rely on donations and sponsors to produce the parade. Donors can be sponsors at several levels. The Sponsor page contains info for corporate and business participation. If individuals prefer to make a monetary donation, they can Donate here.
Where is the staging area?The staging area will begin at the Biloxi Civic Center at approximately 9 a.m for an 11 a.m. start.
What time does parade line up start?Parade staging will begin at approximately 9 a.m. to prepare for an 11 a.m. start
Will there be food and/or drink available?Some food and drink will be available from local merchants along the parade route
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